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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Piano, Chapter 1

Thread 1, Part 4


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Paty works harder than most in this world. Her efforts have yielded a substantial monetary return. She has built a growing restaurant / bar empire. Her position gives her some flexibility regarding when and where she works. Potentially, she could even spend her time in leisure now - simply coasting and having fun. But that is not her nature. She is completely driven to make her business as big as possible. Needless to say, sometimes she comes home exhausted.

It is my job to help her relax at the end of a day. I provide her special comfort and help relieve the stress from her body and soul. When she comes home she knows that I will be waiting for her and that I will drown her in love.

I, of course, am completely content with our setup. Our relationship isn't just physical. I even love it when she talks at length about things that I have no knowledge. I just love the sound of her voice as it relaxes. I notice the structure of her sentences as she becomes comfortable and sloughs off the troubles of her day. She tells me things that she could tell no one else. She knows that any information she gives to me will remain as locked as I am within her chains.

That being said, I must say that recently she has particularly enjoyed my experimentations with my new tongue piercing and the pleasures that it can provide.

She came home too tired to talk. I undressed her; showered her. I lay her down in her bed naked and crawled up between her legs and slowly worked on her pleasure; stroking, licking, softly teasing. Soon, I noticed that she had drifted off to sleep with a contented little smile on her face.

Unfortunately, I was not particularly tired. I had spent my day lazing and snoozing, anticipating her return. I didn't want her to sleep. I wanted her to lay awake with me. I wanted her to spend time with me.

Paty's big bed has a number of attachment points where chains or ropes or shackles can be anchored. I have only fond memories of the hours and hours that I have been locked on the other end of those chains. In fact, I had spent several blissful hours the previous evening. I noticed that a pair of wrist shackles were still attached to the headboard.

In a fateful moment of mischievousness, I grabbed the shackles and locked them around her wrists, effectively securing her to her bed. The act of pulling her arms towards the corners of the headboard caused her to stir and start to wake up.

"Laysan, what are doing?" she asked sleepily and attempted to pull her arms back towards her body. When the steel links resisted her attempts her eyes opened further.

"Laysan, let me go."

"Tonight," I teased, "you are my slave."

She looked from side to side at the chains holding her in place. "No, Laysan. Let me go. Now."

"Oh, come on! I'm just playing around."

"I don't want to play around now. Take these fucking chains off me now!"

I was somewhat shocked at not only how angry she was becoming, but also how quickly the anger grew within her. Too, there was something about her sudden anger that triggered a defiant response within me.

"No, Paty. You are my slave until you promise me that I can sleep in your bed with you." I smiled a wicked smile hoping that she would view my threat with a sense of playfulness. She did not.

Her eyes narrowed and she began to pull at the chains causing them to rattle. "Don't start that shit again with me, Laysan. Fucking let me go!"

"Come on! I let you rip two teeth out of my head. The least you could do is let me sleep with you in your bed. Even once!"

"No, Laysan! That's not how this works. You made an agreement when you became my slave that you would never sleep in my bed with me. That was the agreement. That is still the agreement. It's not going to change! Unlock me, now!"

"Why not? Why is it so important that I don't sleep in your bed?"

"That's none of your fucking business and I'm not going to tell you!"

"None of my business?!"

"Fucking unlock the fucking chains, Laysan. I'm getting very angry!"

"How is it none of my business?" I asked.

Paty yanked her chains and screamed at the top of her lungs. I was afraid she was going to injure her wrists. Shit! I was just plain afraid. I slid off the bed to retrieve the keys.

"Why does it make you so angry when I ask to sleep in your bed? It's stupid!"

She simply glared at me with her jaw clenched tight as I released her arms.

"Are you hiding something from me? Some dark secret? It feels like you have some festering wound that you are trying to conceal from the world."

"Get the fuck out of my room, Laysan!"

"No," I shouted. "Tell me the reason! Why do you get so angry?"

Paty's face was red and her lips were trembling in anger. I knew that I must be on to something. I had never seen her so angry in my life. She was obviously struggling somehow. Maybe if I pushed her a little more, her pain would spill into the room and I could heal whatever it is that haunts her. "Come on! Tell me your stupid, fucking reason, Paty!"

For a second, I thought that she would crack. Tears had begun to fall from her eyes. I began to slide closer to her to hold her and let her release her pain.

But, the second I began to reach toward her, she turned towards me with eyes bright white with spite. "Get away from me!" she screamed and she hit my arm away from her. "Get the fuck out of here!"

I retreated across the bed a little ways, but then crossed my arms across my chest. "No," I said calmly. "I'm staying here until you tell me."

"Get out!" Her voice was so loud that it was cracking. Certainly the walls of the mansion themselves shook.

"No," I said though my confidence was quickly slipping down the sheets towards the door.

I thought that my skin would catch fire with the look that she gave me. She climbed off the bed and began to pull on the clothes that she had worn during the day.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

She ignored me and continued getting dressed. She collected her cell phone and car keys.

"I'm not leaving your bed until you tell me!" I said hoping that I could provoke some sort of response. Her silence was beginning to scare me more than her yelling.

"I'll be right here in your bed!" I screamed at her as she walked out of the room.

I listened as her footsteps receded down the hall. Soon I heard her car start and drive off down the driveway. "Fuck!"

Forty minutes later, I had barely moved, but I jumped when the phone began ringing. It was Alba.


I had never seen Alba mad before. I think that I am happy that she was at the other end of the phone line. She lit into me with a vigor I could never conceive.

"Laysan, you are a stupid, fucking bitch!"

"Alba, I..."

"Don't fucking talk to me, just listen."

"I was just trying to help her heal whatever..."

"Shut the fuck up, Laysan!" I could hear someone crying the background on the other end of the phone. Big, painful wails. It was Paty. She had gone to Alba.

"You aren't content with your little paradise, are you, Laysan? You're always working so hard to fuck it all up!"

I began to get nervous. I started to imagine Paty kicking me out of her house, out of her life. Kicking me out into the real world.

"No, Alba! Please tell her I'm sorry! I love her so much!" Tears began to fall like heavy rain. I wouldn't survive without Paty's love. The world itself, would eat me in a second.

"Listen to me, Laysan!" Alba said with certain threatening tone in her voice. "Get the fuck out her bed now!"

"Ok, ok! I'm getting out!" I scrambled to the edge and dropped to the floor.

"Listen to me, Laysan. You had better find a way to express your regret for your actions tonight."

"Ok." My voice was trembling with fear.

"You need to find a way to rectify the situation. Do you understand me, Laysan?"

I didn't really understand what she meant, but I was too afraid to say "no".

"Ok, Alba. I'll do anything. Tell her I'm sorry!"

"Just do it!" And Alba hung up.


  1. Whoa! What was Laysan thinking? As Alba said, she seems to be trying to screw up the best thing in her life. This was pretty dramatic.

  2. that was so intense! good writing.
