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Key - The Novel

Key - The Novel

Table of Contents

Author's Note
Laysan - Bondage: The Burden and the Fate
Generator - Set Sari
Laurel - Last Run
Laysan - Soul Teeth - Chapter 1
Laysan - Soul Teeth - Chapter 2
Laysan - Soul Teeth - Chapter 3
Laysan - Soul Teeth - Chapter 4
Laysan - Soul Teeth - Chapter 5
Writer's Chat Log #1
Laurel - The Sentenced - Chapter 1
Laurel - The Sentenced - Chapter 2
Laurel - The Sentenced - Chapter 3
Laysan - The Crystalline Insert
Laysan - Piano - Chapter 1
Laysan - Piano - Chapter 2
Laysan - Piano - Chapter 3
Generator - Dog, A Metaphor
Generator - The Dependencing Process


  1. Has this project died? It lacks an ending.

  2. No. It has not died. Definitely on hold for the moment though. Thanks for checking in!

  3. It's been more than two years.

    Laysan isn't going to sleep in a bed, I guess.

    1. Who knows what the future may bring? In the interim check out syrynsmyth.deviantart.com - Read "The Slave Woman's Grave Keeper" - fantasy and extreme bondage!
