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Sunday, December 14, 2014


Thread 1, Part 6


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Alba aroused me from the cage the next morning. She removed my blindfold and unlocked the heavy chains from my limbs.

"Pretty, little slave," she teased, "how was your sleep?"

I shrugged. I was uncertain how to feel about her apparent enthusiasm surrounding my gagging. I was wary of what she was up to. I wanted to see Paty. Alba allowed me a little time in the bathroom and then led me to a table where she had set up a laptop.

"Before we join the others, I want to talk to you about your gag. Don't worry... We'll take it out. We all love your voice and the magical things that you can do with your tongue. But first, we need to discuss some terms."

Certainly, I was relieved to hear that I'd get the damn thing removed eventually, but I was not sure that I liked the idea of discussing "terms" with her.

"I wanted to let you know that I love you very much. And, I also love Paty very much. I know how much she loves you and I love that she loves you so much." Alba smiled. Even though I wanted to be mad at Alba, I couldn't help but smile also.

"Well, Paty admitted to me that she was considering revoking your status as her slave - Oh, no! Not in a bad way! Rather she wanted to make you her partner."

Luckily, Alba was not hesitating in any way as she spoke, for that last statement sent me on a bit of an emotional yoyo. And all I could do is breathe and wait to hear where this was going.

"Laws regarding domestic same sex partners are changing in some places after all. There may be legal advantages to exploring that option..."

I tried to envision how our lives would be different. Would she allow me to sleep with her in her bed? I imagined myself as a domestic housewife. I'd probably do the same things that I do for her now, except, in my vision, I did not wear chains. Instead, I wore a dowdy floral print dress with an apron as I met her at the end of her workday with a quick peck on the cheek.

"...I, however, suggested that doing that would be a mistake."

My daydream dissipated in a poof and I frowned and stared at Alba with a look that I hoped was menacing. Was she trying to break us up?

"You see, I think that the key to the great love that you share... No, I'd say that a requirement for your mutual love is the idea that your roles are so perfectly defined in your relationship together. She is your mistress and you are her slave. That you both understand your roles so well as mistress and slave, gives love the freedom to blossom within that context. I think that if you change the context, if you become equals, it's possible that love will become confused, lost..."

I suppose that my glare softened as I sat pondering what Alba had said. It made sense, in a way... I guess. Chains are much more exciting than dowdy floral print dresses after all.

"Of course, you are not my slave. I cannot dictate terms of your relationship with Paty. I can only give advice. Please understand that I do this only out of my deepest love for the two of you."

I nodded my head and absent-mindedly rubbed my wrists where the shackles had been locked. I was doing my best to take it all in.

"Well... I know that you are very proud to be Paty's slave. I know that you are not a ten percenter. I know that you try hard to serve your mistress because you love her so much. Don't you, Laysan, my pretty, little slave?"

I nodded my head.

"You did well last night. You took appropriate actions to rectify the mistakes that you made when you angered her so greatly. I'm very proud of you. Now, you need to show her how dedicated you are to her. You need to decide how long you will wear your gag. It needs to be your decision. You need to decide and you need to give her your time of silence as a gift. So…” Alba pushed the laptop closer toward me. “How long will you allow Paty to keep the gag locked in your mouth?"
I had almost forgotten the gag during our discussion, but now its weight and the way it held my tongue and jaw flooded my senses. Certainly, it was quite comfortable. I didn't have any of the pain that the jaw wrenching variety produced. I could envision wearing the gag for a length of time. I held up one finger.

"Here,” Alba said. "Type in how long you will wear the gag. One what?"

I had meant one day, but I was afraid that would seem too short of a period of time. I typed into the computer. "1 week."

"Come on, Laysan! Is that all you can sacrifice for the love of your life?"

I edited the text on the computer screen. "2 weeks." Oh, god! I guess I could go two weeks without words.

"Remember, Laysan, you are one hundred percent Paty's slave. Come on! Make it mean something. Don't be a wimp! Push yourself. Extend yourself!”

I felt butterflies start to flutter within my stomach. I looked into Alba's eyes to get a sense of what she thought might be appropriate. I could read nothing from her face though.

My hands were trembling as I edited the text once more. I heard a whimper escape from somewhere behind my gag deep in my throat as I typed.

"1 month."

When I looked at Alba, her smile seemed to indicate that I had appeased whatever vision she had.

"Laysan, my pretty, little slave, I am so proud of you." She gave me a big kiss on the lips. "Let's go tell Paty and the others."

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