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Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Eroticas Rehabilitas: Shelly and Her Doorless Cage

There are an uncountably infinite number of universes out there. With every decision that you make, an alternate universe splits off wherein you chose a different path. You might imagine that with all these universes floating about, it is particularly difficult to find and gate to a particular one, and even harder to gate to the same one twice. That would be like standing in the desert and randomly picking up the same grain of sand twice without looking. This infinite universe problem, we suggest, is the reason for our most recent failure to rescue Shelly from her cage.

You can find Shelly’s case report:
Unfortunately you will need a security clearance of type deviantart to have access to the details.

We were particularly concerned about this extraction because the intel provided above is four years old. I don’t know why, but getting updates from this realm takes FOREVER! Regardless, we did learn that some sort of holiday or birthday celebration or some such nonsense was going on, and we knew that the conditions were perfect for us to make our move.

Amy, Anne Marie, and Holly came along to help us with our extraction. All three have been doing quite well and seemed excited to help out. Unfortunately, our gating transfer compartment could hold no more than us and the three of them. Our equipment had to be sent on in a second gating transfer - very risky - and we knew it.

We gated into Shelly’s room. We were prepared for the darkness, and luckily she was asleep when we appeared. Anne Marie quickly sedated Shelly to ensure that she would remain unconscious. We didn’t have to wait long until the container with our equipment appeared. Our optimism, however, fizzled immediately upon opening the container. It was not filled with devices to move heavy cages and such, but instead was filled with 400 Lite-Brite toys and enough batteries to power them all.

How could we have received such a package? I can only assume that some parallel version of ourselves in some parallel universe have a different idea of what constitutes a noble superhero-type activity. We must have received their equipment.

Well… What could we do? I assume the parallel versions of ourselves were equally surprised when they opened their container of equipment. We had no choice but to act in good faith and use the Lite-Brites with hopes that Parallel Us used the extraction equipment to save Parallel Shelly.

It turns out that Holly has a good artistic eye and she was able to direct the rest of us as we stacked the Lite-Brites in a great square - 20 devices on a side - and proceeded to stick the colored pegs into the machines until we created a beautiful alpine scene with snow-capped mountains and blue skies with puffy white clouds. We made a nice green meadow surrounded by evergreens (no doubt chock-full of happy little creatures). A stream cut across the meadow and a waterfall rumbled in the distance. Hawks circled in the sky. Unfortunately, we did not have time to add a moose before we had to gate back home again.

We estimated that the batteries would remain potent for a week perhaps. We imagine that Shelly would awaken and find her world awash in glowing primary colors like she has not seen in over six years. Perhaps the scene would provide her with just a little hope that someone outside of her small world knows she exists and loves her.

We knew that we would not always be successful. We are disappointed but everyone survived and is no worse for wear.


  1. Ahaha. >.>;; Yeah, that realm.. really needs to get their act together, huh. Suffice it to say, it is not stagnant- other realms just collide with that one, and cause time/space friction. But mostly time.

    1. (Btw I have taken down the mature rating. I was just nervous at the time because another DA-er was flagged and removed.)

    2. Oh, good! It's a great story and it really wants to be free. We're glad that you changed the settings!


      P.S. Don't feel as though you are off the hook now, though. We've sent in agents before who never returned - rumored to be tucked away behind a wall of some sort. We'll be back again!

    3. ;3 Messing with the Dark Goddess's coven would be very brave.
