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Saturday, December 13, 2014

Eroticas Rehabilitas: Jill and the Underground Bunker

In the superhero business, you have to be nimble. You have to dodge left or right depending on the fall of the chips. Priorities turn on a dime. They are set by happenstance. We considered ourselves lucky when we received the following case file:

And though there are a number of victims who rank higher on our list of concerns, the fact of the matter is that we need some depth in our technical department. We need someone with mad computer skills. Based on the case file, Jill has precisely those skills.

Unfortunately, though, Jill's skills are now being totally wasted deep underground as she is being trained for whatever nefarious purposes our perp had in mind. A quick scan of the area confirmed that extracting Jill would take a bit of finesse to get past the technical safeguards. Besides we were concerned that there were a number of undocumented persons in her same situation. Focusing solely on Jill’s rescue could endanger others.

So, we absconded with Alexis, the perps newest apparent target. It was not a nobel decision on our part. It’s just how things went down. Large winter storms were crashing into the coast. We had to act. Needless to say, when we revived Alexis at our island mansion she was livid perhaps particularly due to the fact that we did not bring the keys to her chastity belt and bra along with us. Indeed, she seemed to feel that WE were her kidnappers. Even upon reading the case file she went on a rant screaming that anyone could write up such a fiction. She even bit Amy and when she saw Holly and the devices that we are still trying to determine how to remove… well, we had to sedate her for a bit.

Finally, we realized that we needed to take Alexis back and see Lilith for what she really was - a hired sex-worker. Not the perp's wife. Besides, then we could reclaim her chastity keys and she would realize our good faith. Unfortunately, Alexis jumped out of our van when we saw Lilith crossing the street. Lilith was surprised and astounded when she saw Alexis who apparently had already been reported missing. Once again, we had to act quickly, so we collected both of them back into the van and gated away to the island mansion.

There, Lilith explained to Alexis that she is a sex worker. She is using the funds to support herself as she is working on her PhD in ancient languages. Journalism just doesn’t pay so well. She confirmed that Jill had worked with the perp and (she believed) had returned to college shortly before Alexis started.

Bad luck continued to rear its ugly head. We had a small energy storage issue and were unable to return Lilith in a timely manner. Now, she too is listed as missing. The perp has become concerned by these disappearances around him and has gone into lockdown. Currently, we are unable to determine the status of Jill or other possible victims. (Lilith suspects that there are at least three more based on past “interns” that the perp had hired.)

On the other hand Alexis has some awesome tech skills which more than makes up for how much she rants about the benefits of writing mission critical software in Erlang. That, and the fact that we were unable to retrieve the keys to her chastity belt. Holly has made it very clear (in writing) that that if Alexis wants the belt cut off, she will have to wait in line.

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