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Saturday, December 6, 2014

Peril Techrotica: Emotions Revealed

Here is an article about an artist who straps on an device which reads her brainwaves. The brainwaves are interpreted and the signal is used to control a number of speakers. Small pots of water are set on top of the speakers. The artist is able to create an interesting audio-visual presentation by variously directing her emotions.

An innocent article such as this undergoes a strange transformation when it passes through our gray matter... It gets kinked...

Imagine if you will, a time in the future where pigments may be tattooed into the skin which contain some form of nanotechnology (or something) which change color based on some signal. Perhaps that signal is powered by a slave’s emotional state. Then the slave’s tattoo changes color based on her mood - a mood tattoo. That would add an entirely new dimension to the expression “wear your heart on your sleeve”. Blushes would be accompanied by an exclamation point. A little humiliation would be amplified tenfold. 

What if the signal that controls the tattoo’s appearance is based on the emotional state of a different slave? Or perhaps the signal is sent over the mobile network to a collar receiver from a loved one kidnapped and taken far, far away. Or what if the tattoo is controlled by the slave’s Mistress?

If there were a large number of slaves each with tattoos controlled by another’s emotional state could a chain reaction be set up where an emotion is transferred from one to another down the line? Could this emotional transfer be used subversively to communicate escape plans?

1 comment:

  1. I had an idea that was sort of like this but alsooo.. a little more devious. If I get around to writing it, I think it's a cool concept.
    As for the concept itself- I've -always- been into this. I used to RP a bit, and one thing I demanded of partners was "emote for me". There's nothing better as a dominant than preforming an action and watching the result, no matter how subtle. It's a more intimate level of domination.
