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Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Thread 1: In Paradise and Chains, part 2

Thread 1, Part 10

In Paradise and Chains, part 2

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Sometimes my handler would take me outside to walk over the hills and forest of Paty's large property. One day towards the end of my month of silence, Corwin took me outside on a chilly, breezy fall day. Despite the cooler temperatures, the sun felt wonderful against my naked flesh. I found a soft spot in a cool patch of clover on the side of a grassy hill where I was protected from the breeze but fully exposed to the sun. I lazily stared into the deep dark blue of the cloudless sky.

Corwin appeared before me with her jacket zipped up tight and her hood drawn down over her face. She grabbed my leash and pulled me urgently to my feet.

"Sorry, Laysan," she said quietly, "we need to get inside. I have to go."

I don't think that she was frightened, but certainly she was under some form of stress.

I almost had a hard time keeping up as she dragged me back into Paty's mansion. Even though it was early in the afternoon, she led me straight to the dungeon and sent me up to Purgatory in my cage.

Paty came home early that day. After feeding me my final meal of the day we were sitting in a library. Paty sat on the couch staring at nothing in particular, lost in thought. She was sad about something. I could tell.

I climbed onto the couch and curled up next to her with my head in her lap hoping that I would be able to comfort her. I was dying to know what was going on. She started stroking my hair, but she remained quiet. After a while, I felt her body begin to shake. Tears splashed down onto my face.

I turned to look into her sad eyes mentally imploring her to tell me what was going on. She shook her head. I guess she wasn't going to tell me. I lay my head back in her lap and let her cry.

Back when I had a voice, I would have cajoled her to tell me what was wrong until she spilled the beans or had become unbearably frustrated with me. But now, silenced as I was, I felt more like a pet. Apparently, I was unable to comprehend her troubles, and that was frustrating. But, I was able to comfort her and bathe her in unconditional love.

Maybe Paty needs me to be a pet.

Over the past month I have gotten to know a number of her special friends in ways that I hadn't before. Previously, I simply knew how they felt and tasted and smelled. Now I saw them as who they are when not in the throes of ecstasy. They are leaders of industry. They are rich. They are smart. I am not one of them.

I am common. I am average. I am simply one of the unwashed masses who happened to have been plucked from the fattest part of the Bell curve to participate in this wonderful click of women.

I was sad at this realization. I can't change the fate into which I was born. I can't decide suddenly to be smart and go out and do smart things. I am perhaps more constrained by my commonness than by any of the chains in which I am locked.

Part of me felt that I should be mad to be treated as a pet.

But, no...

If I am a pet, then I am a very special pet. I am loved and I know it with my heart and my head. In fact, really, my life occurs in a place where love from so many sources coats every object and notion. I am awash in more love than perhaps any person should be allowed.

If Paty wants me to be her pet, then I will be her pet.

I settled into Paty's lap, closed my eyes, and absorbed Paty's sadness. I let her tears fall upon my naked skin and sublimate into the ether.


I had expected Alba to take me for a session in her Meditation Shell, but instead we ended up at Ceylon's workshop. As I walked through the workshop, I felt like I was a child on a visit to the Doctor. It was kind of a will-I-have-to-get-shots-today kind of feeling. But instead of the sharp pain of a pin prick, I was worried about the lingering ache of some newly conjured long-term bondage device.

"Paty's birthday is coming up," Alba explained. I rolled my eyes, as I had been racking my brains myself trying to determine what to get her. Particularly, after last year's gift had resulted in almost a month of silence.

"A number of the girls and I decided that we wanted Ceylon to make something really nice for her. And, what we came up with... well... we are hoping you would allow us to create a perfect impression of your face..."

I had no idea what Paty was talking about, so I wrinkled my forehead and raised one eyebrow.

"We need for Ceylon to create a plaster impression of your face. She'll be able to use that impression to build a work of art."

I shrugged my shoulders. Sure. Why not?

"Great!" Ceylon said. "This may take a while, Alba, so you should give Laysan something to drink and let her go to the bathroom before we get started."

Alba fit a bottle nozzle into my gag and squeezed. I felt the cool refreshing liquid hit the back of my throat and swallowed it down. After I was satiated, Alba pulled out a collection of keys and removed my elbow cuffs. Then she move around in front of me and took of my handcuffs. But, she didn't stop there. She also removed my collar.

"Go the the bathroom, Laysan."

For the first time in almost a month I was completely unadorned in metal. I was perfectly naked from head to toe. I felt light and giddy. I felt like I had shaken the bonds of gravity itself and was floating across the room. It was also the first time that I had been to the bathroom by myself since I have been gagged. No freedom tastes sweeter than a freedom regained.

I was humming to the sound of songs in my head. I may have even danced a little as I made my way back to where Ceylon and Alba were waiting for me.

Ceylon had me lay on my back on a padded table. She then placed some tubes into my nose so that I'd be able to breathe while the plaster was setting.

"I going to put some plugs in your ears, Laysan," Ceylon announced. "They will keep the plaster from dripping into your ears and hardening. It's a bitch to clean out."

I shrugged my shoulders to indicate that I was OK with the ear plugs.

"Here, Alba, look and see how these work. First, you just slide the plug in like this."

I felt the cold foreign item slide deeply in my ear canal. At first, I thought that perhaps Ceylon had selected a plug that was too thin. I could feel space around the plug and could still hear perfectly.

"Ok," Ceylon continued, "now just turn this ring counter clockwise once like this..."

I heard a click and immediately felt the plug expand. All sound input ceased in that ear.

"Alright! Next just turn the ring again, counter-clockwise." A click resounded somewhere deep in my head. "Great! It's locked now." I felt an uncomfortable tug inside my ear canal. "See? It won't come out now."

"Cool!" Alba said. "Let me try the other one. Laysan, you need to quit fidgeting so much."

I had spread my arms out wide enjoying the freedom from the cuffs. And even though I was lying down, my feet were dancing along to some tune in my head. I did not realize that I had been fidgeting until Alba admonished me. I felt like I was soaring. I wanted to dance around the workshop. Regardless, I did my best to keep from moving.

My world was completely quiet after Alba inserted the second earplug. Well, I soon discovered that I could hear my own voice perfectly, trapped as it was in the tiny space of my throat behind the gag and plugs. I started to hum with vigor.

Ceylon started coating my face in vaseline paying particular attention to my eyebrows, eyelashes and the hair around the periphery of my face. Meanwhile, I imagined myself soaring like a bird over mountains.

Alba kept holding a finger over her lips begging me to calm down. I could not help myself. I guess I was excited in a nervous sort of way about getting an impression of my face. Ceylon's fingers kind of tickled as she worked the petroleum jelly into my skin causing spasms of giggles.

Ceylon placed small tubes into my nostrils and began to drape strips of paper soaked in plaster over my face. Eventually, the plaster covered my face from ear to ear, over my closed eyes and lips, and from my hairline to underneath my chin.

My euphoria continued throughout the application of the plaster. Soon I was alone in my own private world. I could not see or hear. I could not speak. Still, all that I felt was freedom. My month of silence was almost complete. Soon, I would be rid of the gag and I'd have my voice again. I started to fantasize about how I would talk constantly for the first day. No one will be able to shut me up. Even when I had nothing to say, I would go on talking simply because I could. "La la la la la...!"

Then I started to think of all the sex that I would be having. With all the repressed energy stored in my pierced tongue, I might be able to go on for days. If my thanks for all the work that Paty's friends did to get me through the month of silence is to be the gift of orgasm, then I could not wait to get started.

I envisioned a conveyor belt of women slowly rolling by. As they arrived, my tongue would attack their soles of their feet first. Their toes would dip into my mouth. Soon I'd be nipping their ankles and tickling behind their knees with my teeth. I make a slow, wet mark up their inner thighs and attack their crotch with a relentless assault that would leave them writhing in pleasure. I'd apply wide and deep strokes with the bristles of my tongue. I'd apply complex, though slightly off kilter rhythms to build and break down tensions and longings. I'd reduce them to a sprinkling of atoms drifting in an orgasmic haze. But that would only be the first of their orgasms. My nose, moist lips, and hair would drag across the soft flesh of their abdomens as they heaved for air to recover. And just as they did recover, my tongue would arrive at the base of their breasts. Then I'd make my second grand assault by any and all means, be it suckling, biting, pinching, or pulling. I'd mve fast and attack in random patterns throwing their defenses off guard pushing them to their second orgasm. No one would be spared. No one would be able to resist.

As they regained their senses they would realize that I had moved on to the soft place at the top of their sternum. I'd be gently working my way up the undersides of their chins. My attack on their mouth would be soft and gentle at first. I re-arouse them with a bit of friction on their lips. My bejeweled tongue would nestle into their mouths and dance. I would start with a simple sway and slowly add prods here and their within their mouths until I was outright bullying their tongues and teeth. Soon I'd be moving across their face, pinching earlobes and fluttering soft spaces. Meanwhile, their mouths draped in strands of our tangled hair would gape open and closed attempting to get a taste of me, but I would tease them until they were just about out of reach. Finally, I would plant the ultimate kiss upon their lips and suck every particle of sexual longing from within the shell of their corporeal existence. Their satisfied and motionless bodies would continue down the belt, but I would already be anticipating the sole of the next woman slowly approaching.

Needless to say I realized that I was getting pretty aroused. Ceylon and Alba must have been somewhere in the workshop doing something. What kind of display was I putting on? My arousal was in full bloom. I lay as still as I possibly could and forebade my hands' request to search for hidden places between my legs. Holding them, still, as far from me as possible.

Regardless, my mind slipped back into the fantasy, except this time, I was on the conveyor belt and a host of tongues dance here and there across my flesh. I tried to reach to the tongues, to guide them, but my limbs were restrained in heavy metal fetters which pulled my body so taut I could barely breathe. The tongues continued on, ever teasing, ever teasing...

I guess that I fell asleep stretched out and naked on the table. When I awoke, I was disoriented, and thinking that I was in my cage at home, I reached out for my heavy duvet. And when I could find neither it nor any of the cold metal bars that should house me a chilling panic suddenly swept through me. I quickly started to sit up but two sets of hands caught my shoulders and pushed me back down. That's when my panic really set in.

I started kicking. My arms started flailing - hitting anything within my reach. It seems that some calm corner of my mind tried to remind me that I was in Ceylon's workshop, but the rest of my mind refused to listen. The hands were trying to choke me. They were trying to drown me. I couldn't breathe. Muffled, choking screams were ringing in my ears. Something was trying to crush me. I was being buried alive. Heavy clumps of dirt were being thrown down on my chest. Worms were biting into the flesh of my face.

Even when the plaster mold was pulled from my face, it seemed that the light was being poured down onto my face from the top of a long dark tunnel.

Ceylon's face appeared. She looked none too happy. Blood was pouring from her nose. She was sitting on me as I struggled to escape the horrors that had invaded my soul. My legs continued to kick trying to get her off me. Why was she smothering me? And Alba was pulling my hair. She was turning my head and forcing me to look into her face. Her eyes looked frightened. She was screaming at me, but I couldn't hear.

I fought as hard as I could, but they were too strong for me. My adrenaline was spent. My muscles were so tired. I thought that I was going to die. Again, that distant calm corner tried to remind me that they were my friends. I wanted to believe that voice.

Slowly, Ceylon and Alba began to manipulate my body until I was curled up in a ball. Alba climbed up on the table with me and pulled me close to her. She held me tightly and rocked me slowly. Ceylon conjured a blanket from somewhere and wrapped it around my shivering body. Eventually, I lay my head on Alba's shoulder and cried.

Ceylon manipulated the plugs in my ears. After a pair of clicks they were easily removed. Alba was stroking my hair and whispering "it's ok" over and over again.

I have never had a panic attack before. I assume that is what I had experienced. I don't think that I have any particularly strong fears. I have no idea what would have triggered such anxiety. Maybe the liquid diet had my blood chemistry off or something.

My fear morphed into embarrassment which triggered even more tears. Poor Ceylon! She was dabbing her nose with a bloodied towel. I must have hit her pretty hard as I was flailing about.

Alba began to use moist towels on my skin to remove the residue of the plaster. She was explaining every movement she made as she worked in soft comforting tones. I remained sitting with my legs wrapped in my arms and pulled tightly against my chest.

When Alba was satisfied that my face was clean, she reapplied my FOREVER collar. I grasped at the tangle of cool chain links that dangled from the collar's ring and pooled in my lap. Their sturdy, unyielding presence somehow soothed my tenuous state. I still felt somewhat out of sorts as Alba teased my arms behind me and locked my wrists and elbows together. She helped me to my feet and said her goodbye's to Ceylon.

I placed my head against Ceylon's bosom as an symbol of an apology. After a moment she began to stroke my hair.

"You pack quite a punch, Laysan, but don't worry about me," Ceylon said as she understood what I was trying to indicate. "I'm tough."

When I looked into her face I noticed that she and Alba were exchanging looks that seemed full of concern. What is wrong with me? Do they think I'm going crazy?

"Come on, pretty, little slave," Alba said. She guided me out of the workshop and loaded me into her SUV.

I did not even notice until we were almost back to Paty's mansion that two new chains had been attached to the front ring of my collar - one on each side of, and each, not quite as long as the original leash.

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