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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Eroticas Rehabilitas: Nikki is a Doll

We are unsure of her background, but she certainly is on our radar now. Her name is Tandy and she has made our list of Nemeses. We call her The Doll Maker.

Note: You will need special security clearance of level “deviantart” to be able to view this case file.

Case file:
Doll Girl

ATMOSYS is a new piece of equipment that we use. It stands for Away Team MOnitoring SYStem. We send it when hollow well is incapable of attending an extraction due to other commitments. Running a small, unfollowed blog with content provided by deadbeat, lazy writers takes a lot of time. ATMOSYS allows a remote entity to, er… monitor the away team.

What follows is a recreation of what occurred in our most recent extraction in the layer of The Doll Maker:

“Holy shit! That is creepy as hell!” Alexis whispered far too loudly when the Away Team found the victim crumpled unconscious on the floor of an ornately barred metal cage. “Amy, Anne Marie, she’s all yours.”

Anne Marie cast an angry look over her shoulder at Alexis which said more than any words could if Anne Marie were able to speak. But, regardless, she quickly moved to the door of the cage to examine the locking mechanism.

“This looks like the supply room, Lilith,” Alexis said as she dashed through a door into a room with a series of industrial sized refrigerators and office desks.

“Oh, yeah, grab those boxes of syringes,” Lilith responded as she opened a fridge and began pulling out boxes of pre-made nutritional formula.

“Fuck off, Lil,” Alexis said. “I’m looking for electronics.”

“Priority number one is to keep the victim alive for long enough to assess her treatment. Forget the electronics. Get the fucking syringes, you Bitch Planet reject.” Lilith growled.

“Fuck you! You’re not the boss here! Get them yourself,” Alexis said as she began pulling open desk drawers and roughly tumbling through their contents.

There was a loud crackling from the cage room follow by a pop and the ear-grating sound of metal bending.

The electronic voice of ATMOSYS calmly stated: “Alarm triggered. Carbon-based entity approaching.”

“Fuck! We should just take the Doll Maker out,” Lilith whispered as she threw boxes of syringes into a a large canvas bag.

“You’re an idiot, Lilith. Haven’t you even seen Reversal?” Alexis responded as she moved to a second desk.

“The movie that is playing at Sundance this week? No. And you haven’t either… unless…” Lilith looked up at Alexis.

“Multiple carbon-based entities approaching,” ATMOSYS stated as unemphatically as possible.

Amy stepped into the room and, also voiceless, pounded her fist on the door, beckoning Alexis and Lilith to return so they could gate out of the perp’s basement.

“You did see it! Fuck! I thought that you said the time machine was down for repairs,” Lilith said.

“Yeah. I have to test it,” Alexis responded. “Anyway, if we take out Doll Maker now, we may never find all the other possible victims… I can’t find the remote for the victim’s earphones anywhere.”

Anne Marie looked through the door with the Doll Girl in her arms. The Doll Girl seemed to be conscious but her head lolled slowly from side to side. Anne Marie stomped her foot on the ground, her lips pursed in a dramatic frown.

“Seven carbon based entities outside basement door,” ATMOSYS purred. “Please return to the gate.”

“We better go,” Alexis said, climbing over a desk and heading towards the door.

“Wait!” Lilith said, picking up a notepad and a pencil from one of the desks. “I’ve always wanted to try this.” She began to scribble the pencil back and forth on the pad attempting to discern the last note that had been written.

“Oh! For god’s sake! That’s got to be the biggest cliche in the history of mystery stories. No one even uses pencils and paper anymore. What a stupid thing to…”

“Wait! It says something! Look!” Lilith screamed.

“Seven carbon based entities entering basement. Distance, five meters,” ATMOSYS stated.

“Jump!” Lilith stated. And they did.

There was a flash and the perp’s basement disappeared, replaced by the island mansion’s Gate Facility Room.

Lilith climbed off the platform, looking at the notepad with Alexis trying to look over her shoulder. Amy and Anne Marie look at them, then at each other before bending down to pick up the Doll Girl, whose limbs are moving about languidly. ATMOSYS rolls over to its charging station.

“What does it say?” Alexis asks, trying to pull the pad from Lilith’s hands.

“It’s a couple of locations,” Lilith said scratching her head.

The paper said:

Somewhere in England

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Dear readers: If you have any information regarding what these places may be signifying, please contact us immediately by submitting a comment below. Confidentiality will be honored.

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