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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

My latest whimsy

Typically I prefer my anonymity, however I have recently succeeded in amassing a large fortune and find that I no longer give a shit what you or my authors or anyone else thinks about me. So, let me tell you a little about myself. First, I have made my fortune in a number of fields: as a teacher, a librarian, a digital assets artist, a bike messenger, and as a climate scientist - each field providing a remarkable monetary return on investment. In addition to my careers I have dabbled with a bit of diy maker crap which lead to the development of two useful tools: a time machine and an inter-universal gate. So, now I may travel backwards and forwards in time as well as between any of an infinite number of parallel universes, many of which are completely fictional.

With my great wealth, I have purchased a small isolated island far away from where you will ever travel and I have built a wondrous, sturdy, hugantic mansion serviced daily by shipments of supplies flown in by drones. I could house a thousand people indefinitely today if I had to. But I don’t. Yet.

I have decided that my real calling (in addition to forcing a small collection of amateur writers into creating a circuitous maze of a novel) is to be a superhero. And I am now putting forth a good 15.6% of my daily resources to achieve my goal. You may wonder what type of superheroing it is that I do. After all, the world has so many superheros already working hard for good people everywhere. How will I fit in to this crowded space of super heroes? Well, I will tell you. I save female protagonists of amateur bdsm sex stories from seemingly devastatingly tragic erotic peril.

Yes. That is correct. Sometimes horrendous tragedies occur that result in terribly hopeless situations for beloved protagonists in stories (which range from deeply metaphorical to horribly tasteless). When my researchers come upon a character that is in dire straits, without judging the work from which the character hath sprung, we use the tools at hand to travel and extricate the victims from their peril. If possible, we will attempt to deliver a small token of justice as well (though that is frowned upon). We will then provide a safe place for their recovery in my isolated island mansion.

You will see how this is done in due course if you oblige to visit again in the future.

hollow well (by proxy)

1 comment:

  1. I hope you've done your homework. It seems to me that super-heroines get caught quite often and spend considerable time in the clutches of their evil foes. Although...mentioning this might entice you to just blunder onward...tight, inescapable bonds, gags, gruelling predicaments...

    I look forward to seeing how this works out for you. In my humble opinion you should devote at least 30% to this endeavor if you wish to succeed.
